Corona, Corona join forces with Karuna, Metta.


Những h́nh ảnh ghi lại chuyến thăm, cầu an của Ḥa thượng Thích ...


Since the arrival of Covid - 19 (Corona), it has shocked many places in the world, many leaders, many officials, and many people fear, be panic and then become blame each other. Contesting each other's comments, competing against each other, competing to cause hatred each together, ... without honestly working together to find out why Corona appeared? Did not honestly find out what is Corona’s cause, where did it come from, and why did it appear ...? There are many people, many organizations who only comment and then put more oil into the fire, causing more disturbance to the hatred of places, so the war of each region and the world can break out at any time.


According to the law of the universe, the law of cause and effect has nothing without its cause.
            For decades now; I have repeatedly advised and repeated many times if the world is not sincere and not honest, does not change the way of consumption, the way of machine life, the way of dishonest life, ... many of sentient beings as this Corona will appear.

            I would say this is the smallest kind of sentient being that appears to be a warning or softer than an alarm. When being born, people must respect each other, must respect the laws of the universe, must respect the environment; Don't be arrogant about yourself being the smartest in this universe! That abuse of power, abuse of strength, abuse of money, abuse of knowledge, abuse of scientific progress, thus upsetting the order of the universe, ...

            When this plague appeared, many people were cursed, and condemnable Corona, Corona Covid and made poems to contempt;
Corona Corona stay away, far away; don't come near me; don't come near me, ...

            I see in this world hatred cannot be eradicated hatred, only love and compassion can erase hatred, so I temporarily write a few sentences below so that all of you can read again and again and also how to train in being release hatred and develop love, then this world will have peace and happiness in this life.
Corona, corona, come to me, come to me.
Corona, Corona join forces with Karuna, Metta.
Ta Do tha, Ta độ tha, Ta Ba Ha, .....

Huyen Dieu
Himalayas, at 17 pm in March 22, 2020.
P.S: Please translate into many languages ​​and spread them widely.
Sincerely Grateful.