Filial Piety is the foundation of the Vietnamese Way of Life
Rev. Thich Nguyen Hanh
Namo Sakyamuni Buddha!
Venerable Sangha, Fellow Buddhists,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Before concluding this memorable celebration of Ullambana, a commemoration of "Filial Piety", on
behalf of the Vietnam Buddhist Center, we respectfully extend our sincere
appreciation to the Venerable Sangha who came to take
refuge at this Center during this traditional Buddhist summer retreat. You also
bless us with your grace by gathering here today to bear witness to this very
extraordinary ceremony. Your presence during this past retreat has indeed
contributed to the blossoming of the Buddhist faith at the Center. It proliferates the development of a thriving Dhamma assembly. It brings faith and hope to the Buddhist
community, when contemplating the current and future state of the Vietnamese
We would also like to thank all of you Buddhists and fellow
Vietnamese who have gathered here today, and for the past week, to revere this
very exceptional event. From our heart, we praise all of you, especially those
of the young generation, who, during this celebration, do not only express your
noble love and respect to your ancestors and parents, but also help preserve a
traditional Vietnamese heritage during this unsettling era of religious
conviction and family values.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Filial Piety is the foundation of the Vietnamese Way of Life, the
infrastructure of the traditional Vietnamese culture. Observing Ullambana is to preserve this foundation and
infrastructure. For that reason, this ceremony becomes a traditional
celebration for the Vietnamese. And also for that reason, we can confidently
state that as long as Ullambana is observed, our
ancestral culture is preserved. And when our ancestral culture is preserved,
the future of our Vietnamese heritage is perpetuated. In a broader
appreciation, Ullambana could be perceived as an
opportunity for us to extend our compassion toward the innumerable beings that
are suffering from grief and misery, an opportunity for us to pray for their
deliverance and happiness. With these notions, Ullambana
forges our immeasurable spirit of compassion, so that we can live in harmony
with all beings in a world of peace and tranquility. That is indeed "A
Traditional Way of Living the Path" in its most positive and divine logic
that Buddhism has brought to our heritage and to mankind.
In the spirit of piety and the sentiment of nurturing a
compassionate life, we all join here to pray for peace, tranquility, and
happiness to all the parents and all beings.
Once again, we would like to thank the Venerable Sangha and all of you, Ladies and Gentlemen, who have been
assembling here to celebrate this divine religious event with us.